A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

DAN. 3: 16-18
Three Jews, in exile in Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego resolved never to worship the Babylonian gods or the image of gold their King set up (Dan. 3:16-18). Everyone else worshipped the image of gold( Dan. 3:7), and they were to be thrown into a burning furnace if they did not( Dan. 3:13-15), but they resolved that they would not worship the King’s image of gold( Dan. 3:16-18). To them, the LORD is able to rescue them from the burning furnace and the King’s hand, but even if He does not, they will not worship any other god (Dan. 3: 17-18). This is indeed the stand of faith. It is the right stand. It is wholly supported by the Scripture (Exod. 20:1-7). Like them, we must stand up for God in spite of the consequences and circumstances (see Hab. 3: 17-19; Acts 4: 18-20; Acts 5: 29). We must never follow the multitude to do the wrong (Exod. 23:2). Blessed indeed is the one who is able to stand up for God in spite of the consequences and circumstances (see Jam. 1:12).
• Father, please enable me to stand up for you in spite of the consequences and circumstances.
• Father, please take away whatever hinders me from standing up for you always.

JOEL 2: 12-27
BLESSINGS FOLLOW GENUINE REPENTANCEFollowing His call to His people to return to Him (Joel 2: 12-17), the LORD promised to bless them with abundant food(Joel 2: 19, 24, 26) and security( Joel 2:20), if they returned to Him from their heart. He will send them grain, new wine and oil to satisfy them fully (Joel 2:19) and will give them plenty food until they are full (Joel 2:26). He will drive the northern army that He used to chastise them into the eastern and western seas (Joel 2: 20). But these blessings are dependent on their returning to Him from their heart (Joel 2: 12-17). According to the passage, outward return will not suffice, as far as these blessings are concerned. It is when they returned to him from the heart that He will become jealous for His land and people and repay them with these blessings( Joel 2:18-27). The Scripture is quite consistent in stating this fact. The blessings of God always follow wholehearted return to Him (see Deut. 28: 1-14; 1 Kgs. 8: 33-40, 46-51; Ps. 1: 1-3). There are no blessings but curses for those who refuse to return to Him( see Deut. 28: 15-68; Ps. 1: 4-6). Anyone who desires the Lord’s blessings and favours must first return to Him with all his heart ( see Joel 2: 12-27; Deut. 28: 1-14: Ps. 1: 1-3; Acts 3: 19-20).
• Father, please enable me to return to you wholeheartedly.
• Father, please take away whatever hinders me from returning to you from my heart.
• Father, please let your abundant blessings be my portion as you promised.

1 THESS. 4:7
THE CALL TO HOLINESSHere Paul gives a summary of what the Christian life entails (1 Thess. 4:7). To him, the Christian life is a life of holiness, not of impurity (1 Thess. 4:7). The goal or purpose of the Christian life is holiness, not impurity (1 Thess. 4:7). If there is one word that sums up the entire Christian life it is holiness, not impurity (1 Thess. 4: 7). Paul’s view here is quite consistent with the teaching of the Scripture. Holiness is central to the Christian life ( Heb. 12: 14; cf. Eph. 4:22-24). Since God is holy, He demands it of all His children (Lev. 11: 44-45; Lev. 19:2; Lev. 20: 26; 1 Pet. 1:15-16). There is no Christianity without holiness (Heb. 12:14). Impurity has no place whatever in the Christian life (see Rev. 21:27). Impurity and the Christian life are not compatible (see Rev. 21: 27). A life of impurity is wholly improper for believers. A life of holiness is not optional but mandatory for believers (Lev. 11: 44-45; Lev. 19: 2; Lev. 20:26; 1 Pet. 1: 15-16). Since holiness is God’s will and goal for all His children, the activities and policies of the Church and individual believers must be driven by it, not by impurity( Lev. 11: 44-45; Lev. 19:2; Lev. 20:26: 1 Pet. 1: 15-16).
• Father, please enable me to be completely holy unto you.
• Father, please take away every impurity from me.

HOS. 3:1-5
God directed Prophet Hosea to show love to his adulterous wife again as He Himself loves the Israelites, though they turned to other gods ( Hos. 3:1). As Hosea’s wife returns to her husband, the Israelites will return to the Lord (Hos. 3:2-3). It is the Lord’s will for all His estranged children to return to Him (see Ezek. 18:23, 30-32). His call to His estranged children to return to Him still stands (see Ezek. 18:23. 30-32; Rev. 3:20). God is ready to show love to anyone who returns to Him( see Prov. 28:13; Ezek 18:23, 30-32). He who returns to Him completely is certain to find love and mercy (see Prov. 28:13; Jn. 3:16; Acts 3:19-20). His love is ever available to anyone who returns to Him wholeheartedly (see Prov. 28:13; Jn. 3:16; Acts 3:19-20).
• Father, thank you for your everlasting love.
• Father, please enable me to return to you wholeheartedly.
• Father, please take away whatever hinders me from returning to you totally.

GAL. 2: 15-16
In response to Peter’s hypocritical act(Gal. 2:11-14), Paul states here what the gospel is in summary form (Gal. 2: 15-16). According to him, justification, the act of being accounted righteous before God, is by faith in Jesus Christ alone (Gal. 2:15-16). It is not by observing the law, because by doing so no one will be justified (Gal. 2:15-16). This is applicable to everyone, including the Apostles (Gal. 2: 15-16). The Scripture is quite clear with regard to this matter. Justification is by faith in Jesus Christ alone (see Rom. 3:21-24; cf. Eph. 2: 8-9). Therefore, there is no justification outside of Jesus Christ (see Acts 4:12). Furthermore, justification is neither attained by works nor by a combination of faith and works, as is being taught recently (Rom. 2:28). It is attained by faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from works (Rom. 8:23). On the basis of Paul’s teaching in this passage, there is no such thing as justification by works (see Rom. 3:28; Eph. 2: 8-9). Thus, anyone who desires to be justified before god must believe in Jesus Christ alone (see Jn. 1:12-13. And since justification is not by works but by faith in Jesus Christ alone, there is no place for boasting by anyone.
• Father, thank you for Jesus Christ, my Saviour.
• Father, please enable me to believe in Jesus Christ alone for my justification.
• Father, please enable me not to trust in anyone or anything for justification other than Jesus Christ.
• Father, please justify me through your only Son Jesus Christ.

COL. 3: 1-3
Those who belong to Jesus Christ are commanded to set their hearts and minds on the things of Heaven where Christ is seated at the Father’s right hand (Col. 3:1-2; cf. Heb. 12:2). They are barred from setting their hearts and minds on earthly things (Col. 3:2). The fact that they belong to Jesus Christ requires that they set their hearts and minds on heavenly, not earthly things (Col. 3:3). This command is binding on all believers (see Rom. 12:2). It is also most appropriate, for earthly things are not compatible with those of Heaven (see 1 Jn. 2: 16-17; Jam. 4:4). The former can never bring about the latter. Anyone who sets his heart and mind on earthly things cannot please God (see Jam. 4:4; 1 Jn. 2:15; cf. Rom. 12:2; Rom. 8:6-8. One cannot set his heart and mind on earthly and heavenly things at the same time (Rom. 8:5-8; Jam. 4:4). Anyone who desires to set his heart and mind on heavenly things must first withdraw them from earthly things (Rom. 8: 5-8).
• Father, please enable me to set my heart and mind on heavenly things.
• Father, please deliver me from setting my heart and mind on earthly things.

1 CHRON. 10: 13-14
Saul the King died on Mount Gilboa during one of those battles with the Philistines (1 Sam. 31: 1-6; 1 Chron. 10: 1-6). He took his own life after being badly wounded ( 1 Sam. 31:3-4; 1 Chron. 10:3-4). This passage explains why he died (1 Chron. 10:13-14). According to the passage, he died because of his unfaithfulness to the Lord (1 Chron. 10: 13-14). His acts of unfaithfulness referred to by the passage included his disobedience to the Lord in the matter of Amalek (1 Sam. 15: 1-35), consulting a medium ( 1 Sam. 28: 3-25), and failing to enquire of the Lord( 1 Chron. 10:14). His death in the battle is not attributed to the Philistines who wounded him but to his unfaithfulness to the Lord ( 1 Chron. 10 13-14; cf. 1 Sam. 28: 18-19). It means that if he was faithful to the Lord, the Lord would have kept him safe during this battle. With this we find that the act of being unfaithful to the Lord is a fundamental sin before Him (see 1 Sam. 15: 23). God does not take any pleasure in the unfaithfulness of His children (see Gen. 6:6). This is why He brings punishment when there is no repentance (see Gen. 6:5-8; Deut. 28:15-68; 1 Sam. 28: 18-19; 2 Kgs. 24: 20; 1 Chron. 10:13-14; Jer. 52: 3). The Lord delights in our being faithful to Him than in our offerings, sacrifices and services (see 1 Sam. 15: 22). Our offerings, sacrifices and services amount to nothing before Him if they are brought while we are unfaithful to Him. Faithfulness is the basis of His blessings, favours, and keeping (see Deut. 28: 1-14; Ps. 1: 1-3). Unfaithfulness brings His wrath and displeasure (see Deut. 28: 15-68; Ps. 1: 4-6).
• Father, please enable me to be faithful to you in all things.
• Father, please take away whatever hinders me from being faithful to you.


Our Daily Key: A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

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