A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

15 September
Who Jesus really is
Lk. 9: 18-22

Jesus once asked His disciples who they said He is (Lk. 9: 20). Peter answered correctly on behalf of his colleagues – The Christ of God (Lk. 9: 20). The word Christ means Messiah. This means that Jesus is the Messiah whom God promised. This is who Jesus really is. This is His mission (Matt. 1:21). Jesus confirms Peter’s answer by speaking about His passion (Lk. 9:22). Numerous passages confirm that this is who Jesus really is (Lk. 2:8-11; Jn. 1:29; 3:16; Rom. 5:8; Gal. 4: 4-5). It is of utmost importance to know Jesus for who He really is. Who we think He is determines our relationship with Him. Our personal salvation depends on who He is to us. It does not really matter what the crowds say (Lk. 9:18-19). Let the crowds say whatever they like, as is often their nature. What really matters is who Jesus is to you personally. If your opinion of Jesus is different from that of Peter above (Lk. 9: 20), then you are holding the wrong opinion about Him. Your opinion of Jesus is the right one of it is the same as that of Peter above (Lk. 9:20).

PRAYER:1.Father, I take Jesus as my Messiah.
2.Father, I hereby renounce every other Messiah.
3.Father, please let Jesus’ work as Messiah be fully realised in my life.

16 September
Some benefits of being God’s true children
Jn. 1:12-13

The Scripture states quite clearly that we become God’s true children by believing or receiving Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour (Jn. 1: 12-13). But what benefits do we derive from becoming God’s true children? There are several, but there we will mention only a few of these benefits. First, we have new life (2 Cor. 5:17). We become a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). Second, we become God’s friend. The enmity that existed between us and God on account of our sin is removed (Rom. 8: 7-8). Third, we become led by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14). Fourth, we receive eternal life (Jn. 3:15-16). Fifth, we become entitled to God’s special care and provision (Phil. 4:19; cf. Ps. 1:1-3), Sixth, we become entitled to God’s protection (Is. 54: 14-17; Ps. 91: 1-16; Matt. 10: 29-30). Seven, we become endowed with spiritual power (Jn. 14:12). And lastly, we enjoy God’s abiding or permanent presence (Matt. 28: 20). Again, these benefits belong only to God’s true children (Jn. 1:12-13). They do not belong to those who reject Jesus (Jn. 3:36). These benefits can readily become ours once we believe or receive Jesus Christ asour personal Saviour (Jn. 3:36).

PRAYER:1.Father, I receive Jesus as my own Saviour.
2.Father, please bestow on me all the benefits of being your own child in Christ.

17 September7
The reward of giving
Lk. 6: 38

Jesus taught that there is reward in giving (Lk. 6: 38; Mk. 9: 41). The reward is most certain (Lk. 6: 38; Mk. 9: 41; 2 Cor. 9:6). The reward is proportionate to the measure we give (Lk. 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6). This is not how many believers understand giving. Many believers do not see giving in the way Jesus our Saviour saw it (Lk. 6:38; Mk. 9:41). As His followers, we have no option but to bring our understanding in line with His own. As He taught, it is when we give that we enjoy the reward (Lk. 6:38; Mk. 9: 41; Prov. 11: 24). When we fail to give, we forgo this reward (Prov. 11:24). Therefore, according to our Saviour’s own words, our acts of giving are not vain but rewarding exercises (Lk. 6: 38; Mk. 9: 41; Prov. 11:24). Once we put His word into practice, He will do His part by bringing to pass what He has promised (Lk. 6:38; Mk. 9: 41; Prov. 11:24). His promises never ever fail (see Jos. 23:14).

PRAYER:?1.?Father, please enable me to give.
??2.?Father, please take away whatever hinders me from giving.

18 September, 2017
How to gain entrance into God’s Kingdom
Jn. 14:6

Living with God in His Kingdom is one of the privileges of God’s children (Jn. 14:2). But how does one gain entrance into this Kingdom? The Scripture presents Jesus as the only means of gaining entrance into this Kingdom (Jn. 14: 6; Acts 4:12). According to the Scripture, there is no other means than this (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4: 12; Jn. 10: 1-8). Therefore, every other means are false, illegitimate, and ineffective. And everyone enters only by this one entrance regardless of nationality, race, colour, culture, tribe, language, clan, or any other consideration. You and I can only enter through this one means. There is no need whatever to look for another means to enter God’s Kingdom. Since there is no other means than Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Jn. 10:1-18), trying to enter God’s Kingdom by some other means is an exercise in futility.

PRAYER:1.Father, I take Jesus as my Saviour.
2.Father, please give me a place with you in your Kingdom as you promised.
3.Father, please take away everything that can deprive me of a place with you ??in your Kingdom.

19 September
God delivers His own
Dan. 6: 19-23

Daniel was thrown into the den of lions after being found praying to God against a decree that was deliberately and hastily put together to frame him up for doing just that (Dan. 6:16). Daniel was unhurt by the lions (Dan. 6:21-22). No wound was found on him (Dan. 6:23). According to the Scripture, God sent His angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they could not hurt Daniel at all (Dan.6:22). God rescued him because he belonged to Himand trusted in Him. The decree of the king and his kingdom stood (Dan. 6:12, 15), but not before or against God (Dan. 6:22). Daniel’s fate was sealed by men (Dan. 6:17), but their seal amounted to nothing at all before God. As God did for Daniel, He is able and ready to do for all His children today. Nothing whatever is impossible with Him (Lk. 1:37). He is able and ready to do anything to protect His beloved children (see Exod. 14:19-22). No creature of any kind can determine or seal the fate of God’s children, without His authorisation (see Matt. 10: 29-31). Like Daniel, God’s true children can count on His protection and keeping.

PRAYER: 1.Father, please enable me to trust in you alone for my keeping and ?protection.
2.Father, please deliver me from all evil.

20 September
How to serve the Lord with faithfulness
Jos. 24:14

When Joshua renewed the covenant with the Israelites near the end of his career, he called upon the Israelites to serve the Lord with faithfulness (Jos. 24:14).This is what God requires of all His children. But how can this be done? The answer is given in the passage (Jos. 24:14). All other gods must be thrown away (Jos. 24:14). Only the Lord God must be worshipped and served (Matt. 4: 10). This is the central requirement of God’s covenant with His children (Exod. 20: 1-7). By His nature, God does not tolerate any rival. He admits of no other either equal or in addition to Him (Is. 45: 5-6). To serve Him with all faithfulness is to acknowledge no other than Him in all aspects of our lives. When we fail to acknowledge Him in all areas of our lives, we cannot claim to serve Him with all faithfulness. To serve Him with all faithfulness we must acknowledge Him alone in everything that has to do with us. This is the only scriptural understanding of what it means to serve God with all faithfulness (Jos. 24:14).

PRAYER: 1.Father, please enable me to worship and serve you alone.
2.Father, please take away whatever hinders me from worshipping and serving you alone.

21 September,
How to be a real Church member
Acts 2: 42-47

Real Church membership is not a matter of Church attendance or enrolment in the Church register. It is not a matter of taking part in Church activities or making financial contributions to her ministry. This passage explains how one becomes a real Church member. A real Church member is one who has been saved from sin (Acts 2:47). If one is not saved from sin, he is not a real Churchmember. One must be saved from sin to become a real church member. In the time of the New Testament Church, membership was made up of only those who had been saved from sin (Acts 2:47). It does no one any good to be on the Church register without being saved from sin. Jesus came primarily to save from sin (Matt. 1:21; Jn. 1:29). The Church is made up of all those whom He has saved (Acts 2:47). Therefore, salvation from sin defines real Church membership. Anyone who is not saved from sin is never a real Church member. Anyone who desires to be a real Church member must be saved from sin. Salvation from sin will take place once one accepts Jesus as his own Saviour (Jn. 3:16; 1: 12-13).

PRAYER: 1.Father, I accept Jesus as my own Saviour.
2.Father, please make me a real member of your Church.


Our Daily Key: A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

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